User Management

Lunar Control Center lets you seamlessly create and manage users in your organization. Once the users are created, you can directly manage all the devices under a specific user by associating policies and actions with the user.

User Administration

Lunar Control Center admins can create, edit, and delete user accounts through the Lunar Control Center Console.

Creating users

You can create a user account by following the steps:

  1. Fill up the fields, including: - Username: a unique name used for enrolling the user account on the device. The username should include the user domain (e.g. - Display name: a name showing to contacts of the user - Group: select the group for the user. The device inherits the device policies of that group. - Password and Re-Password: choose and re-enter the password used for enrolling the user account on the device. - Subscription end-date: determines the expiration date of a user account. If left empty, the account will not expire unless edited later. - Access level: select the user access level. - Re-enrollment: this policy determines whether the user will be allowed to re-enroll the device after the initial enrollment. - Password recovery email: allows you to add an email the user will use to reset their account password in case they forget it. The account password reset can be initiated from the user portal of LCC (if enabled). If left empty, only LCC administrators can reset the account password. - Receive sampling logs: determines whether the device will send sampling logs to LCC. - Receive SIM logs: determines whether the device will send SIM logs to LCC. - Show widget page: determines whether the user will have access to the LCC widget page in their LCC user portal. - Can upload and use personal apps: determines whether the user can. - Notes: optional notes that can be added on creation. - Language: determines the default system language for the device. - Time zone: determines the default time zone for the device

Editing user account

You can edit already created user accounts by following the steps:

  1. Make the edits to the user account

Deleting user account

You can delete already created user accounts by following the steps:

  1. Click on Yes to confirm

Management actions

LCC administrators can perform several management actions on devices, including wipe, password change, and force sync.

Wiping device

You can initiate a device wipe by following the steps:

  1. Click on Yes to confirm

The device will need to be online in order to receive the wipe command and initiate a local device wipe.

Password change

You can change the user account password by following the steps:

  1. Enter and re-enter the new user password

The device will need to be online in order to receive the wipe command and initiate a local device wipe.

Force sync

You can force a sync between LCC and the device via the force sync action by following the steps:

  1. Press OK to confirm

LCC uses MQTT to sync with devices. MQTT syncs are instant upon policy change or upload of a new software version. The force sync action is used in troubleshooting devices that do not sync with LCC as designed.

Last updated