
The LCC CLI is a tool designed to provide administrators with efficient management capabilities for the Lunar Control Center system. It provides a unified command line interface for deployment, update, and backup services.

LCC CLI runs on the machine hosting the LCC instance. Follow the installation guide to get started.

Once LCC CLI is installed, you can start using it through your terminal.

In order to use LCC CLI functions, you first need to activate a custom Python environment environment:

source /usr/local/lib/lcc/bin/activate

The environment gets deactivated automatically after the LCC-CLI is no longer in use.

LCC-CLI: List of available commands

Help command

Get a list of all available commands

lcc-cli --help

Version command

Print Lunar Control Center and third-party services software version information.

lcc-cli version

Service status command

Get the current state of Lunar Control Center docker service.

lcc-cli status --service proxy_proxy

Service install command

This command provides the capability to install additional services integrated with Lunar Control Center.

lcc-cli install [OPTIONS]

--service [openfire | kamailio | portainer | grafana | zabbix | wazuh | homer | ntp | dnscrypt]

Choose a service to install. [default: None] [required]


Service uninstall command

This command provides the capability to uninstall additional services integrated with Lunar Control Center.

lcc-cli uninstall [OPTIONS]

--service [openfire | kamailio | portainer | grafana | zabbix | wazuh | homer | ntp | dnscrypt]

Choose a service to uninstall. [default: None] [required]


Init command

Install a clean LCC instance

lcc-cli init [OPTIONS]




Selection of domain for the LCC instance. [required]


Selection of admin username. Has to be in email format. [required]


Selection of admin password. Has to be in passphrase format. [required]


LCC Registry Subscription Key [default: None] [required]


Docker cleanup command

Cleanup LCC Instance dangling images, logs, unused containers, networks, anonymous volumes

lcc-cli cleanup [OPTIONS]




Forces a deep cleaning procedure [default: no-force]


Initiates a deep cleaning procedure [default: no-force]


Flush command

Flush an instance from a previous LCC installation.

lcc-cli flush [OPTIONS]


Forces a flush of instance from previous LCC installation [default: no-force]


Flush an instance from previous LCC installation [default: no-force]


SSL management command

This command offers functionality to generate self-signed keys, request LetsEncrypt certificates using the HTTP challenge, renew existing certificates, and check the status of the current certificates.

lcc-cli ssl [OPTIONS]

--action [request | renew | status | generate]

Generate,request or renew your LCC Let'sEncrypt certificates. [default: None] [required]


Password change command

The "change password" feature provides admins with the ability to update their existing passwords easily and securely.

lcc-cli password [username] [OPTIONS]


Enter your new password. [default: None] [required]. The entered password should be between apostrophes (e.g. 'password')



The command allows the local backup of the Lunar Control Center instance, including users, policies, logs, software versions, and additional services configurations.

lcc-cli backup [OPTIONS] /tmp/


Chooses a path where the backup file will be saved. Path should be writable.



The command allows the restoration of a Lunar Control Center from a backed-up file.

lcc-cli restore [OPTIONS] /tmp/[file name]


Selects a path and file for the restoration process. File should exist and the directory with the file should be writable


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