Application management

Lunar Control Center lets you manage what applications can users access. Once added to your LCC instance, you can enable applications through the Application policies.

Application levels

Lunar Control Center supports 2 levels for applications:

  • Organization apps: organization apps are installed for all users, regardless of their policies. In addition, the necessary in-phone permissions are granted automatically for organization apps

  • Custom apps: custom apps are applications that may or may not be enabled for users through policies. Users will have to grant app permissions after app installation.

Adding applications

You can add applications by uploading a file locally or by getting an app from the Update Server (requires connection to the update server)

Adding app through Update Server

You can add applications by following the steps:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Organization or Custom apps (depending on what app level you want to add)

  3. Click on Add from APK station

  4. Type the app name or package name in the search section and press search

  5. When you find the app(s) you need, press the request toggle

  6. Press the request button after you are done selecting apps

  7. Open the update menu by pressing on the Android icon

  8. Download each app you have requested by pressing the download icon next to the app

Adding app from local upload

You can add applications by following the steps:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Organization or Custom apps (depending on what app level you want to add)

  3. Click on Create

  4. Fill up the fields: - File: upload the APK file of the app - Icon: upload an icon. The icon will be visible in LCC Console and in the App store to users. - Name: Put the name of the app. The app name will be visible in LCC Console and in the App store to users. - Author: Add an author of the app. The app author will be visible in LCC Console and in the App store to users. - Category: Select a category of the app. - Available on the following OS: select if the app is for a specific Device OS version. - Prevent app from updating: if toggled on, the app version can not be updated. - Images: upload images of the app UI. The images will be visible in LCC Console and in the App store to users. - Description: add a description of the app. The description will be visible in LCC Console and in the App store to users. - Summary for description: add a summary of the description. The description summary will be visible in LCC Console and in the App store to users. - Change log: add an internal note regarding the change.

  5. Click on Create

App version management

Administrators of Lunar Control Center can easily manage the application version pushed to devices.

Checking for new App version

The connection with Lunr's Update Server allows for instant checks of the latest available app version.

Administrators can use the check update feature for both Organization and Custom apps.

Organization Apps

Follow the steps below to check for a new version of Organization Apps:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Organization Apps

  3. Hover over the app you want to check and click on the edit icon

  4. Click on Check For Updates

  5. Click on OK

If a new app version is available, you will receive a notification in the top right corner (see Android icon).

  1. Open the update menu by pressing on the Android icon

  2. Download the new app version by clicking on the download icon next to the app

  3. Once you download the latest version, navigate back to the application menu by following steps 1, 2 and 3.

  4. Hover over the app information button and select the latest version

  5. Click on the Mark as Default button to make the version default for all devices that have the app enabled by policy

Custom Apps

Follow the steps below to check for a new version of Custom Apps:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Custom Apps

  3. Click on the application name (or icon) you want to check

  4. Click on Check For Updates

  5. Click on OK

If a new app version is available, you will receive a notification in the top right corner (see Android icon).

  1. Open the update menu by pressing on the Android icon

  2. Download the new app version you by clicking on the download icon next to the app

  3. Once you download the latest version, navigate back to the application menu by following steps 1, 2 and 3.

  4. Hover over the app information button and select the latest version

  5. Click on the Mark as Default button to make the version default for all devices that have the app enabled by policy

Update app version through local upload

Administrators can upload a new app version in case they have not connected to Lunr's Update Server or in case the app is not found through a search to the Update Server.

The app version can be uploaded for both Organization and Custom apps.

Organization Apps

Follow the steps below to upload a new Organization app version:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Organization Apps

  3. Hover over the app you want to check and click on the edit icon

  4. Click on Create New Version

  5. Fill up the fields: - Set as default version: sets the version you are about to upload as default version for devices that have the app enabled by policy - File: upload the APK file - Change log: add notes about the app changes. Change log notes will be visible to LCC administrators.

  6. Click on Create

Custom Apps

Follow the steps below to upload a new Custom app version:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Custom Apps

  3. Click on the application name (or icon) you want to check

  4. Click on Create New Version

  5. Fill up the fields: - Set as default version: sets the version you are about to upload as default version for devices that have the app enabled by policy - File: upload the APK file - Change log: add notes about the app changes. Change log notes will be visible to LCC administrators.

  6. Click on Create

Deleting applications

Deleting applications from your Lunar Control Center instance helps you improve user experience by removing unneeded apps. Once applications are deleted, they are removed from user devices.

As an Administrator, you can delete both Organization and Custom Apps.

Deleting Organization Apps

Follow the steps below to delete an Organization app:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Organization Apps

  3. Hover over the app you want to check and click on the X icon

  4. Click on OK

Custom Apps

Follow the steps below to check for a new version for Custom Apps:

  1. Click on Apps

  2. Click on Custom Apps

  3. Click on the bin icon next to the app you want to delete

  4. Click on OK

Validation certificates

Ensuring that you are pushing an authentic application version is crucial for securing your device fleet.

Lunar Control Center allows you to add certificates in order to guarantee the authenticity of the apps you are uploading.

You can add validation certificates by following the steps:

  1. Hover over the config button

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Click on Updates

  4. Fill up values for: - Secure APK validation certificate: enter the certificate values - Secure APK validation certificate owner: enter the certificate owner values

  5. Click on Save

Applications that do not pass the certificate validation will show as Untrusted once uploaded to your Lunar Control Center

Last updated